Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What's my name?

Girls had their open house today at school, St. James, and the Pre K 3 teacher assigned them a symbol to represent them, and to help them in learning to recognize their name. Charlie got the Pelican, and Lucy the Crab. When daddy was changing Charlie he asked, like always, which kid are you? Instead of Charlie saying "Me Cha Chi Chavez" (her norm), she said "me Pelican".....Ms. Leal = Mission Accomplished..

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dear Baby Jesus

Haha, today we drove by Chick fil A and Lucy said lets go there (pointing at chick fil a), I gave every mommy's usual fabricated answer "we can't baby, mommy doesn't have a lot of money today and we need to go to HEB, then we I hear Charlie "Dear Baby Jesus, get my mommy a job, she take me to chick fil a, and she make mucho money for her wallet, amen" ROFL